


About Us 


What was once established almost 100 years ago in South Africa then ravished, destroyed and forgotten for almost 30 years has now been rescued, resurrected and revived by a group of individuals.  RailHope South Africa 

Pastor Arul Raj (RailHope India) has been praying for 12 years for the revival of RailHope South Africa. God finally, in His own time, answered his prayer and arranged for the paths of Charity Schutte (South Africa) and Pastor Arul Raj to intersect.   

This divine orchestration of connections brought other spiritually driven and gifted followers of Christ together.  Hazel Govender(Construction Industry), Thandi Sabelo (Manager from Transnet Port Terminals), Peter Govender (Pastor and Manager at Transnet Freight Rail) and Charity Schutte (Manager at Transnet Freight Rail) formed the RailHope South Africa Committee on the 1st June 2016 and commenced the process to revive RailHope South Africa. 

We have returned to the fold of The IRM (International Railway Mission) who is an Inter-denominational federation comprising of 16 countries which brings the Gospel to the workplace 

We place our Faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and ask Him to take control of this train as those on board head out to the greatest and most fulling life they could ever imagine. 

God bless! 

RailHopeSA Committee


There are many doctrines within the various Church denominations but the following can never be compromised to suite the needs of the individual believer


We teach that the Bible is God's written revelation to man, and thus the sixty six books of the Bible given to us by the Holy Spirit constitute the plenary (inspired equally in all parts) Word of God 

(1 Corinthians 2:7-142 Peter 1:20-21).

We teach that the Word of God is an objective, propositional revelation (1 Thessalonians 2:131 Corinthians 2:13), verbally inspired in every word (2 Timothy 3:16), absolutely inerrant in the original documents, infallible, and God-breathed. We teach the literal, grammatical-historical interpretation of Scripture which affirms the belief that the opening chapters of Genesis present creation in six literal days 

(Genesis 1:31Exodus 31:17).

  • We teach that God spoke in His written Word by a process of dual authorship. The Holy Spirit so superintended the human authors that, through their individual personalities and different styles of writing, they composed and recorded God's Word to man (2 Peter 1:20 21) without error in the whole or in the part (Matthew 5:182 Timothy 3:16).

  • We teach that, whereas there may be several applications of any given passage of Scripture, there is but one true interpretation. The meaning of Scripture is to be found as one diligently applies the literal grammatical-historical method of interpretation under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit (John 7:1716:12-151 Corinthians 2:7-151 John 2:20). It is the responsibility of believers to ascertain carefully the true intent and meaning of Scripture, recognizing that proper application is binding on all generations. Yet the truth of Scripture stands in judgment of men; never do men stand in judgment of it.



  • We teach that God the Father, the first Person of the Trinity, orders and disposes all things according to His own purpose and grace (Psalm 145:8-91 Corinthians 8:6). He is the Creator of all things (Genesis 1:1-31Ephesians 3:9). As the only absolute and omnipotent Ruler in the universe, He is sovereign in creation, providence, and redemption (Psalm 103:19Romans 11:36). His fatherhood involves both His designation within the Trinity and His relationship with mankind. As Creator He is Father to all men (Ephesians 4:6), but He is spiritual Father only to believers (Romans 8:142 Corinthians 6:18). He has decreed for His own glory all things that come to pass (Ephesians 1:11). He continually upholds, directs, and governs all creatures and events (1 Chronicles 29:11). In His sovereignty He is neither author nor approver of sin (Habakkuk 1:13John 8:38-47), nor does He abridge the accountability of moral, intelligent creatures (1 Peter 1:17). He has graciously chosen from eternity past those whom He would have as His own (Ephesians 1:4-6); He saves from sin all who come to Him through Jesus Christ; He adopts as his own all those who come to Him; and He becomes, upon adoption, Father to His own 

(John 1:12;Romans 8:15Galatians 4:5Hebrews 12:5-9).


  • We teach that Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, possesses all the divine excellencies, and in these He is coequal, consubstantial, and coeternal with the Father (John 10:3014:9).

  • We teach that God the Father created according to His own will, through His Son, Jesus Christ, by whom all things continue in existence and in operation (John 1:3Colossians 1:15 17Hebrews 1:2).

  • We teach that in the incarnation (God becoming man) Christ surrendered only the prerogatives of deity but nothing of the divine essence, either in degree or kind. In His incarnation, the eternally existing second Person of the Trinity accepted all the essential characteristics of humanity and so became the God Man (Philippians 2:5-8;Colossians 2:9).

  • We teach that, in the incarnation, the second person of the Trinity laid aside His right to the full prerogatives of coexistence with God and took on an existence appropriate to a servant while never divesting Himself of His divine attributes (Philippians 2:5-8).

  • We teach that our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through the shedding of His blood and sacrificial death on the cross and that His death was voluntary, vicarious, substitutionary, propitiatory, and redemptive (John 10:15Romans 3:24-255:81 Peter 2:24).

  • We teach that on the basis of the efficacy of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, the believing sinner is freed from the punishment, the penalty, the power, and one day the very presence of sin; and that he is declared righteous, given eternal life, and adopted into the family of God (Romans 3:255:8-92 Corinthians 5:14-151 Peter 2:24;3:18).

  • We teach that in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, God confirmed the deity of His Son and gave proof that God has accepted the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Jesus' bodily resurrection is also the guarantee of a future resurrection life for all believers (John 5:26-2914:19Romans 1:44:256:5-101 Corinthians 15:2023).

  • We teach that Jesus Christ will return to receive the church, which is His Body, unto Himself at the rapture, and returning with His church in glory, will establish His millennial kingdom on earth (Acts 1:9-111 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 20).

  • We teach that the Lord Jesus Christ is the One through whom God will judge all mankind (John 5:22-23):

​       Believers (1 Corinthians 3:10-152 Corinthians 5:10)

      Living inhabitants of the earth at His glorious return (Matthew 25:31-46).

      Unbelieving dead at the Great White Throne (Revelation 20:11-15).


  • We teach that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to execute the divine will with relation to all mankind. We recognize His sovereign activity in creation (Genesis 1:2), the incarnation (Matthew 1:18), the written revelation (2 Peter 1:20-21), and the work of salvation (John 3:5-7).

  • We teach that the work of the Holy Spirit in this age began at Pentecost when He came from the Father as promised by Christ (John 14:16-1715:26) to initiate and complete the building of the Body of Christ, which is His church (1 Corinthians 12:13). The broad scope of His divine activity includes convicting the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ and transforming believers into the image of Christ (John 16:7-9Acts 1:52:4Romans 8:292 Corinthians 3:18Ephesians 2:22).

  • We teach that the Holy Spirit is the supernatural and sovereign Agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). The Holy Spirit also indwells, sanctifies, instructs, empowers them for service, and seals them unto the day of redemption (Romans 8:92 Corinthians 3:6Ephesians 1:13).

  • We teach that the Holy Spirit is the divine Teacher, who guided the apostles and prophets into all truth as they committed to writing God's revelation, the Bible (2 Peter 1:19-21). Every believer possesses the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit from the moment of salvation, and it is the duty of all those born of the Spirit to be filled with (controlled by) the Spirit (John 16:13Romans 8:9Ephesians 5:181 John 2:2027).

  • We teach that the Holy Spirit administers spiritual gifts to the church. The Holy Spirit glorifies neither Himself nor His gifts by ostentatious displays, but He does glorify Christ by implementing His work of redeeming the lost and building up believers in the most holy faith (John 16:13-14Acts 1:81 Corinthians 12:4-112 Corinthians 3:18).

  • We teach, in this respect, that God the Holy Spirit is sovereign in the bestowing of all His gifts for the perfecting of the saints today, and that speaking in tongues and the working of sign miracles in the beginning days of the church were for the purpose of pointing to and authenticating the apostles as revealers of divine truth, and were never intended to be characteristic of the lives of believers (1 Corinthians 12:4-1113:8-102 Corinthians 12:12;Ephesians 4:7 12Hebrews 2:1-4).


  • We teach that man was directly and immediately created by God in His image and likeness. Man was created free of sin with a rational nature, intelligence, volition, self determination, and moral responsibility to God (Genesis 2:715-25James 3:9).

  • We teach that God's intention in the creation of man was that man should glorify God, enjoy God's fellowship, live his life in the will of God, and by this accomplish God's purpose for man in the world (Isaiah 43:7Colossians 1:16;Revelation 4:11).

  • We teach that in Adam's sin of disobedience to the revealed will and Word of God, man lost his innocence, incurred the penalty of spiritual and physical death, became subject to the wrath of God, and became inherently corrupt and utterly incapable of choosing or doing that which is acceptable to God apart from divine grace. With no recuperative powers to enable him to recover himself, man is hopelessly lost. Man's salvation is thereby wholly of God's grace through the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus Christ (Genesis 2:16-173:1-19John 3:36;Romans 3:236:231 Corinthians 2:14Ephesians 2:1-31 Timothy 2:13-141 John 1:8).

  • We teach that, because all men were in Adam, a nature corrupted by Adam's sin has been transmitted to all men of all ages, Jesus Christ being the only exception. All men are thus sinners by nature, by choice, and by divine declaration (Psalm 14:1-3Jeremiah 17:9Romans 3:9-18235:10-12).


  • We teach that salvation is wholly of God by grace on the basis of the redemption of Jesus Christ, the merit of His shed blood, and not on the basis of human merit or works (John 1:12Ephesians 1:72:8-101 Peter 1:18-19).


  • We teach that regeneration is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit by which the divine nature and divine life are given (John 3:3-7Titus 3:5). It is instantaneous and is accomplished solely by the power of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of the Word of God (John 5:24) when the repentant sinner, as enabled by the Holy Spirit, responds in faith to the divine provision of salvation. Genuine regeneration is manifested by fruits worthy of repentance as demonstrated in righteous attitudes and conduct. Good works are the proper evidence and fruit of regeneration (1 Corinthians 6:19-20Ephesians 2:10), and will be experienced to the extent that the believer submits to the control of the Holy Spirit in his life through faithful obedience to the Word of God (Ephesians 5:17-21Philippians 2:12bColossians 3:162 Peter 1:4-10). This obedience causes the believer to be increasingly conformed to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Such a conformity is climaxed in the believer's glorification at Christ's coming (Romans 8:172 Peter 1:41 John 3:2-3).


  • We teach that the unmerited favor that God grants to totally depraved sinners is not related to any initiative of their own part or to God's anticipation of what they might do by their own will, but is solely of His sovereign grace and mercy (Ephesians 1:4-7Titus 3:4-71 Peter 1:2).

  • We teach that election should not be looked upon as based merely on abstract sovereignty. God is truly sovereign, but He exercises this sovereignty in harmony with His other attributes, especially His omniscience, justice, holiness, wisdom, grace, and love (Romans 9:11-16). This sovereignty will always exalt the will of God in a manner totally consistent with His character as revealed in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:25-282 Timothy 1:9).



  • We teach that every believer is sanctified (set apart) unto God by justification and is therefore declared to be holy and is therefore identified as a saint. This sanctification is positional and instantaneous and should not be confused with progressive sanctification. This sanctification has to do with the believer's standing, not his present walk or condition (Acts 20:321 Corinthians 1:2306:112 Thessalonians 2:13Hebrews 2:113:110:1014;13:121 Peter 1:2).

  • We teach that there is also, by the work of the Holy Spirit, a progressive sanctification by which the state of the believer is brought closer to the standing the believer positionally enjoys through justification. Through obedience to the Word of God and the empowering of the Holy Spirit, the believer is able to live a life of increasing holiness in conformity to the will of God, becoming more and more like our Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:17,19Romans 6:1-222 Corinthians 3:181 Thessalonians 4:3-45:23).

  • In this respect, we teach that every saved person is involved in a daily conflict—the new creation in Christ doing battle against the flesh—but adequate provision is made for victory through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The struggle nevertheless stays with the believer all through this earthly life and is never completely ended. All claims to the eradication of sin in this life are unscriptural. Eradication of sin is not possible, but the Holy Spirit does provide for victory over sin (Galatians 5:16-25Ephesians 4:22-24Philippians 3:12Colossians 3:9-101 Peter 1:14-161 John 3:5-9).


  • We teach that it is the privilege of believers to rejoice in the assurance of their salvation through the testimony of God's Word, which, however, clearly forbids the use of Christian liberty as an occasion for sinful living and carnality (Romans 6:15-2213:13-14Galatians 5:1325-26Titus 2:11-14).


  • We teach that separation from sin is clearly called for throughout the Old and New Testaments, and that the Scriptures clearly indicate that in the last days apostasy and worldliness shall increase (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:12 Timothy 3:1-5).

  • We teach that out of deep gratitude for the undeserved grace of God granted to us, and because our glorious God is so worthy of our total consecration, all the saved should live in such a manner as to demonstrate our adoring love to God and so as not to bring reproach upon our Lord and Savior. We also teach that separation from all religious apostasy and worldly and sinful practices is commanded of us by God (Romans 12:1-21 Corinthians 5:9-132 Corinthians 6:14-7:11 John 2:15-172 John 9-11).


  • We teach that the church is thus a unique spiritual organism designed by Christ, made up of all born-again believers in this present age (Ephesians 2:11-3:6). The church is distinct from Israel (1 Corinthians 10:32), a mystery not revealed until this age (Ephesians 3:1-65:32).

  • We teach that these leaders lead or rule as servants of Christ (1 Timothy 5:17-22) and have His authority in directing the church. The congregation is to submit to their leadership (Hebrews 13:717).

  • We teach the autonomy of the local church, free from any external authority or control, with the right of self-government and freedom from the interference of any hierarchy of individuals or organizations (Titus 1:5). We teach that it is scriptural for true churches to cooperate with each other for the presentation and propagation of the faith. Each local church, however, through its elders and their interpretation and application of Scripture, should be the sole judge of the measure and method of its cooperation. The elders should determine all other matters of membership, policy, discipline, benevolence, and government as well (Acts 15:19-3120:281 Corinthians 5:4-7131 Peter 5:1-4).

  • We teach the need of the church to cooperate with God as He accomplishes His purpose in the world. To that end, He gives the church spiritual gifts. He gives men chosen for the purpose of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:7-12), and He also gives unique and special spiritual abilities to each member of the Body of Christ (Romans 12:5-81 Corinthians 12:4-311 Peter 4:10-11).

  • We teach that there were two kinds of gifts given the early church: miraculous gifts of divine revelation and healing, given temporarily in the apostolic era for the purpose of confirming the authenticity of the apostles' message (Hebrews 2:3-42 Corinthians 12:12); and ministering gifts, given to equip believers for edifying one another. With the New Testament revelation now complete, Scripture becomes the sole test of the authenticity of a man's message, and confirming gifts of a miraculous nature are no longer necessary to validate a man or his message (1 Corinthians 13:8-12). Miraculous gifts can even be counterfeited by Satan so as to deceive even believers (1 Corinthians 13:13-14:12Revelation 13:13-14). The only gifts in operation today are those nonrevelatory equipping gifts given for edification (Romans 12:6-8).

  • We teach that no one possesses the gift of healing today, but that God does hear and answer the prayer of faith and will answer in accordance with His own perfect will for the sick, suffering, and afflicted (Luke 18:1-6John 5:7-92 Corinthians 12:6-10James 5:13-161 John 5:14-15). 
  • We teach that two ordinances have been committed to the local church: baptism and the Lord's Supper (Acts 2:38-42). Christian baptism by immersion (Acts 8:36-39) is the solemn and beautiful testimony of a believer showing forth his faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, and his union with Him in death to sin and resurrection to a new life (Romans 6:1-11). It is also a sign of fellowship and identification with the visible Body of Christ (Acts 2:41-42).

  • We teach that the Lord's Supper is the commemoration and proclamation of His death until He comes, and should be always preceded by solemn self examination (1 Corinthians 11:28-32). We also teach that, whereas the elements of Communion are only representative of the flesh and blood of Christ, the Lord's Supper is nevertheless an actual communion with the risen Christ who indwells every believer, and so is present, fellowshipping with His people (1 Corinthians 10:16).

RailHope South Africa Committee 02-07-2016



  • The times we live in are so troubled. People losing their jobs, the stock market falls, natural catastrophes, and uncertainty in what the future holds. In today’s economy there is little to hope for the future however God is never caught off guard or by surprise.  God knows the future.  You are not the only one that has felt that there is no hope. Even Bible heroes had their times when they wanted to give up.  Job, Moses, Jonah, Jeremiah, even the powerful prophet in the Old Testament, Elijah.


  • Humans have definitions of hope that are different from God’s.   We might hope our team wins the Curry Cup, or we might hope we don’t lose our jobs or our house.  But the biblical definition of hope is not a hope-so but a know-so.  Our hope in God is surer than the sun rising in the morning.  Just read these verses of hope and put yourself or your own name in the place of “I” or “we”.   
  • Where is hope found?  It is in the Bible, the Word of God.  Psalm 119:74 “I have put my hope in your word”, in Psalm 119:81 “… I have put my hope in your word”, and in Psalm 130:5  “… in his word (The Bible) I put my hope”. 



  • Here is real hope.  When a person reads the Word of God (Bible) they can know for certain that they have a secure and certain future for God will never allow us to suffer beyond our own capabilities to handle it.  There is nothing on this earth more certain than hope in God.  He will never leave us nor will He ever forsake us.  He is our anchor in the present and for the future.

Redemptive Hope 
Put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. Psalm 130:7. If you are a believer you can rest assured that God’s love is unfailing and He will deliver us in the days of calamity.  He has rescued the born-again believers from certain judgment and promised us an eternal home with Him.  Instead of using ink, God has signed this redemption with Jesus’ own blood which seals you permanently.  When our hope is in the Lord and not in us, it is a rock solid hope.

Gift of Hope 
For you have given me hope. Psalm 119:49. We know that there is always hope when we trust in God for He has given us His Holy Spirit to seal us as we read in Ephesians 1:13, “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.”

Future Hope 
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11.  God had plans for you.  You can bank on that.  His plans are not intended to harm you but to prosper you.  Now this does not mean that He plans to make you rich but He does plan for you to have a secure future.  God says that He has plans for you and He knows them even if we do not.  Your stockbroker or manager might have plans for you too, but they do not know the future, they may try to plan for a secure future but they do not have the ability to bring it about.  God knows your future and is planning it better than anyone else can, ever ourselves. Hope is for now, it is for today, and it is for tomorrow too.  

Unending Hope 
Put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore. Psalm 131:3.  Hope is for now, it is for today, and it is for tomorrow too.  Jesus clearly tells Christians that He will never leave us, never forsake us, and will never, ever caste us away (John 6:37).  This promise is for tomorrow morning, next week, and next year.  This hope is the believer’s hope that covers their entire life.  It is without end and will stay with us until Jesus comes for us.

Lovely Hope 
The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalm 147:11.  I am a father and grandfather.  My children have troubles.  They come to me for advice.  I am always offering them hope that all things will work out for their best despite what today may seem like (Romans 8:28).   I delight when they come to me with their troubles.  So too does the Lord delight when we put our hope in Him and His unfailing love.  He wants us to depend upon Him for everything.  He delights to give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4).

Unashamed Hope 
No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame… Psalm 25:3. If we have our hope in the right place, that is not in ourselves, our jobs, our circumstances, but in God alone, we will never be disappointed.  We will never be ashamed for placing our hope in Him because He has the power to deliver us out of all our troubles.  We do not posses that power.  Our salaries does not have such power.  God owns the whole earth, He owns every animal in the forest, and He is the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills as Psalm 50:10-11 says, “for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine.”

Guiding Hope 
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5.  We are finite creatures and can not look beyond today but God has planned every step we take.  He guides us and protects us, even in areas where the dark shadows of death seem imminent in the lowest valleys (Psalm 23).  We might plan our own course but God Himself determines where our steps go (Proverbs 16:9).

Courageous Hope 
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. Psalm 31:24.  If we are not a believer, then we have only hope in this world and among men are most miserable.  But if we are Christians, then we can take heart and be courageous because God is our hope.  When God is your hope you have a sure thing.  When it is in the world, then we are consumed with worry because we don’t know what comes next.  Those who have hope in God have hope in the only One Who can guarantee our future.

Reverent Hope 
But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, Psalm 33:18. When we hear the words “fear in the Lord” or “those who fear him” this is not a fear of punishment or retribution.  Fear is simply a reverential respect and standing in awe of God.  That is what “fear of the Lord” means.  It means that those who reverence God and His name have nothing to fear at all; no evil, no pestilence, no begging for bread, and no fear of want.  His unfailing love is upon those that fear or revere Him:  His love never fails and His eyes are fixed on you in a permanent gaze that is transfixed upon your today and your tomorrow.  You are the apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 32:10, Zechariah 2:8).

Protective Hope 
We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20.  Our hope in God is a shied of life.  Not only a shield in eternal life but in the present life.  He is our help when we need it and our shield when we need protecting.  God alone is our help and our shield.

Sovereign Hope 
But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you. Psalm 39:7.  When we look to ourselves, our employer, our retirement fund, or our inheritance, we can not fully hope with 100% certainty.  But what do we look for when our Hope is in God?  We know that even our employer’s decisions are in God’s sovereign hands.  Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes.”  The king thinks he might be in charge, or the boss might think he or she is making their own decision, but in God’s sovereignty, they do nothing that is not in God’s divine plan for us.  They are subject to the Lord’s will whether they know it or not....  when hope is in God we have reason to praise our Savior and our God.  

Praiseworthy Hope 
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:11. Here the Psalmist examines his own heart in asking, Why am I so downcast? Why am I so disturbed? When really he has no reason to be because when hope is in God we have reason to praise our Savior and our God.  If you do not know Christ, then I would agree that there is every good reason to be downcast, to be depressed, and to be so disturbed.  The world is the most uncertain place to live in today above any other day but not so for those whose hope is in God. 

Restful Hope 
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5.  I have often times wrestled with tomorrow while I lay down to sleep.  The many “what if’s” haunt my mind and do not allow me to sleep as I rehearse the day’s events and worry about what happens tomorrow if….  But worrying about tomorrow is borrowing trouble from tomorrow and spending it on today.  When you realize that tomorrow is already taken care of by God alone and the hope you have in Him, then you can find rest.  It is easier to sleep tonight if you know tomorrow is in God’s hands.